Being an expat in Dubai

Moving to Dubai was the best decision I made as an adult.
I came to United Arab Emirates in 2016, alone, and I can say I never doubted this decision until I was at the airport saying goodbye to my brothers. It wasn’t easy but all the sad feels stepped aside the moment I landed and inhaled the hottest oud infused air.
I remember asking myself “How will I ever get used to 50 degrees Celsius?” but for some reason, the idea of enjoying the summer all year long was exciting me.

Driving to the hotel, I was hypnotized by the shine and the city lights.
Seeing Burj Khalifa sparkling like a thousand of diamonds made me fall in love with Dubai at that very moment. At the time,
I was working for Hollister brand and this experience brought so many good people on my way, growth on a personal level and changed my life completely.

Living in Dubai has so many benefits and positive sides that I often have to pinch myself to confirm I am not dreaming.
Being close to almost every exotic destination, I traveled to the countries that from home I would never be able to afford. Wild nightlife and partying may have damaged my liver a little but the memories we created are so worth it.
Working with people from different countries, religions and backgrounds opened my heart and eyes wide open.

Dubai is everything but ordinary and has so much to offer, except that one thing.
My family.
Did I ever got used to the fact I see them 2-3 times per year?
Not really but we are trying to take every chance on getting together and that's the only price you pay as an expat in Dubai.
I am dedicating this page to my life in Dubai, where the traditional meets futuristic, where not so long ago all of this was just a desert. I hope some of the articles and recommendations can be a benefit for you!